Easly and Nutramin, a supplier of high-quality supplements, are joining forces. With the partnership, the two companies aim to create synergy and enable customers to work on their health in a holistic way.

Nutramin began its existence in the 1980s as a clinic and transformed into a leading provider of supplements over the following decades. The company supplies directly to doctors and therapists. Scientific substantiation and patented ingredients and blends of ingredients are at the heart of Nutramin’s approach.
The company, however, does not offer diagnostics. And so managing director Mischa Strijder is ‘delighted’ about the partnership with Easly

‘Easly is an innovative company in a still relatively young segment of the market; that of preventive medical self-testing,’ says Strijder. ‘Easly’s general blood tests and vitamin tests are complementary to our mission. Namely, Nutramin aims to prevent or supplement deficiencies in the human body by offering supplements. Easly offers tests to determine those deficiencies. Together, we can start making a difference in the health of our clients.”
Jeroen de Jong, CEO of Easly, is also delighted.

In the coming months, the cooperation will take further shape, and the two partners will consider user-friendly ways to give their customers access to each other’s product range.
‘It promises to be a fruitful collaboration,’ says Strijder. ‘We look forward to finding synergy between our two companies and contributing to our customers’ healthy lifestyles and achieving optimal health. This is important enough: in the end, our health is our most precious asset.”