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Promote Easly and earn commission

Promote Easly’s tests through an affiliate link on your website or social media channels. When a purchase is made through the tracking link on your platform in our portal, you will receive a commission on the completed sale. It’s worth it in no time.

Promoot Easly en verdien commissie

Why collaborate with Easly?

Aantrekkelijk aanbod preventieve tests

Attractive offer of preventive tests

Commissie over aangekochte tests

Commission on purchased tests

Ondersteuning bij promotie affiliate link

Support for promoting affiliate link

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Cookie remains valid for thirty days

How it works

Get in touch with us

Easly is always looking for strong partners. We’d love to hear from companies and websites interested in collaborating with us.

Meld je aan​

Sign up

You’ll receive a login for our affiliate platform, and we’ll guide you step by step on how to set up and activate your affiliate campaign. We provide visual materials that you can use in your promotional activities.

Ga van start & verdien commissie

Get started & earn commission

You add the tracking links to your website, email, or social media channels. Then, you can monitor the performance and your commissions through our platform.

Get in touch

Our customer service is ready to answer your questions.

Easly Team

easly team Jeroun

Jeroen de Jong

CEO – Co-founder

easly team Baart

Bert Swannet


easly team Sebastian

Sebastiaan Besson


easly team

Maarten Gyssens

Project Manager

Gain insight into your health status

Results always at hand

Easly harnesses the power of digital technology. All your information is accessible 24 hours a day in our secure portal and the Easly app, where you can track your personal test history.

All your test results and health history in your fingertips
Results that everyone can easily understand

Results in understandable language

Our mission is to provide people with accessible insight into their health status. That’s why we strive to communicate information as clearly as possible. Thus:

Personal advice from a doctor

We prioritize quality and accuracy. Therefore, we always involve medical experts. Both in our laboratory and in interpreting your test.

Personalized doctor's interpretation and advice

Strong together in innovative health care

Through our innovative solutions we alleviate the pressure on the public health systems in the Netherlands and Belgium. We work together with a large number of parties.