In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
Every person is sensitive to medication to varying degrees. Over- or underdosing is lurking, with all its consequences (side effects). Easly offers a DNA test that determines the DNA Medication Passport based on a saliva sample in our laboratory.
The advantages:
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
Every person is sensitive to medication to varying degrees. Over- or underdosing is lurking, with all its consequences (side effects). Easly offers a DNA test that determines the DNA Medication Passport based on a saliva sample in our laboratory.
The advantages:
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
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What is being tested for?
Biomarker | ALAT, ALP, Blutplättchen, Creatinine, eGFR, Eisen, Erythrozyten, Ferritin, GGT, Glucose (urine), Hämatokrit, Hämoglobin, HDL cholesterol, hs-CRP, LDL cholesterol, Leukozyten, MCH, MCHC, MCV, Ratio of LDL/HDL, Ratio of TC/HDL, Total cholesterol, Transferrin, Transferrinsättigung, Triglycerides, HBA1c |
How to take your sample:
Urine, Finger prick
Free delivery
The Essential 7 package offers a comprehensive full blood count test that assesses several biomarkers essential for the proper functioning of various bodily systems. This home blood test kit provides insight into an individual’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease, liver function, and iron levels. It is easy to use, reliable, and suitable for anyone who wishes to take a preventive health test and receive results quickly online.
What is being tested for?
Biomarker | ALAT, ALP, Blutplättchen, Creatinine, eGFR, Eisen, Erythrozyten, Ferritin, GGT, Glucose (urine), Hämatokrit, Hämoglobin, HDL cholesterol, hs-CRP, LDL cholesterol, Leukozyten, MCH, MCHC, MCV, Ratio of LDL/HDL, Ratio of TC/HDL, Total cholesterol, Transferrin, Transferrinsättigung, Triglycerides, HBA1c |
How to take your sample:
Urine, Finger prick
Price shown per test. Ordered by 5 p.m. on weekdays, same-day shipping.
In this comprehensive blood test, 7 biomarkers are tested. Below, we explain the importance of those biomarkers and the common disease states that fit them.
By analyzing biomarkers related to cardiovascular health, liver function, and iron levels, the Essential 7 health check package provides individuals with valuable information on their overall health status. This bloodwork can help identify potential health issues at an early stage, allowing individuals to take proactive steps to manage their health and prevent serious illnesses. This makes the Essential 7 full blood test kit an effective tool for proactive health management.
Overall, the Essential 7 package is an ideal choice for individuals who wish to do full blood count test for health check and take a preventive approach to their health. The home blood test is easy to use, reliable, and offers a comprehensive overview of an individual’s overall health status. By evaluating biomarkers related to cardiovascular health, liver function, and iron levels, the Essential 7 private blood test provides individuals with the information they need to take proactive steps to manage their health and prevent the onset of serious illnesses.
A comprehensive blood test provides the most complete picture of your health. Blood consists of various components: fluid or plasma (with various dissolved substances) and blood cells. Therefore, it is often less useful to measure the value of a single substance.
When something is wrong with your blood, it can lead to different symptoms depending on where the problem occurs. Below we have listed which blood cells we test and why it is important:
Hemoglobin is a protein and part of the red blood cell. Each red blood cell contains more than 200 million hemoglobin proteins. It plays a very important role in the oxygen supply to organs and tissues. A normal hemoglobin level is different for men and women, with lower levels accepted for women and especially pregnant women.
A low hemoglobin level will eventually lead to a lack of oxygen at the tissue level and can have serious consequences. Hemoglobin levels can also be too high, which can result from dehydration, lung diseases, bone marrow disorders, and high-altitude stays.
Hematocrit measures the proportion of red blood cells in the blood. A high hematocrit level can have two causes: dehydration or an excess of red blood cells. A decreased hematocrit level indicates anemia. A normal hematocrit is slightly higher for men than for women.
Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes. Erythrocytes are produced in the bone marrow and contain hemoglobin. They are essential for oxygen transport to organs and tissues. A shortage of red blood cells is called anemia.
White blood cells are also called leukocytes and are part of the immune system. The various types of leukocytes all play their own role in protection against infections. A normal value is between 4 and 10 and is not dependent on gender. An increase in leukocytes is called leukocytosis and often indicates an infection. In addition, there are other causes for a high white blood cell count, such as leukemia, severe stress, injury, or burns. A low white blood cell count is also possible, which is called leukopenia.
Platelets are also called thrombocytes. Like erythrocytes, they are produced in the bone marrow. Platelets are an essential part of blood clotting – the process that stops a wound from bleeding. A normal value ranges from 150 to 400. A low value (thrombocytopenia) can lead to bleeding. A value lower than 30 can be a very dangerous situation and requires immediate attention from a doctor. A high value (thrombocytosis) can be caused by infections, iron deficiency, and bone marrow disorders.
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the Western world. Moreover, cardiovascular diseases cause a lot of disease burden as well as healthcare costs. So getting your blood tested regularly for everything and treating these kinds of diseases on time is important.
But what if we could get ahead of cardiovascular disease? In this, prevention plays a very important role! Therefore, from now on, do this blood test yourself at home. If you can assess the risk of a particular disease before it actually occurs, you can be mindful of your own health and make different, healthier choices. Think: weight reduction, quitting smoking, exercising more, eating healthier, etc. The biomarkers that can provide a good estimate of cardiovascular disease risk are:
In addition, the general health blood test “Essential 7” also determines the complete blood count and iron status. Thus, you will gain an insight into your overall health thanks to this blood test. Vitamins and minerals are easy to test from a blood draw. In addition, we can check for possible anemia.
Anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells containing hemoglobin. A deficiency may be the cause of a vague complaint such as fatigue. In some cases a harmless cause underlies the anemia and in some cases there is reason for further investigation.
As the largest and most versatile organ in the body, the liver plays a vital role in regulating a wide range of metabolic processes. Disruption of liver function can have significant downstream effects on many physiological processes, making it an essential component of any comprehensive health assessment.
The liver is responsible for the breakdown and processing of a wide range of nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Additionally, it serves as a critical filter for harmful substances in the blood, aiding in detoxification and preventing potential damage to other organs.
The liver also produces important substances such as fibrinogen, which is crucial in the process of blood clotting, and albumin, a transport protein necessary for maintaining proper fluid balance. Additionally, it produces CRP (C-reactive protein) and other proteins that play a role in immune defense.
Beyond its metabolic and synthetic functions, the liver also serves as a repository for a number of key substances, including glycogen, which can be converted into glucose to provide energy to cells. It also stores several important vitamins, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D, as well as iron, an essential component of hemoglobin and many enzymes.
Given the broad scope of its functions and essential role in overall health, the assessment of liver values is a critical component of any comprehensive health evaluation.
Symptoms that may indicate cardiovascular disease
Symptoms that could possibly fit anemia
Symptoms that may indicate a malfunctioning liver
Erytrocyten zorgen met behulp van hemoglobine voor het transport van zuurstof door het bloed. De rode bloedcel is verantwoordelijk voor het transport van zuurstof naar alle lichaamsweefsels en gebruikt daarvoor het eiwit hemoglobine.
Read moreDe hematocriettest meet het volume-aandeel in bloed dat wordt ingenomen door de rode bloedcellen (erythrocyten). Als de hematocrietwaarde bijvoorbeeld 40% is, dan bestaat 100 milliliter (ml) bloed uit 40 milliliter rode bloedcellen.
Read moreHb staat voor hemoglobine. Hemoglobine is een eiwit en is een onderdeel van de rode bloedcel (de erytrocyt). In hemoglobine zijn vier ijzermoleculen verscholen. Deze ijzermoleculen zijn in staat om elk één zuurstofmolecuul te binden.
Read moreLeukocyten zijn witte bloedcellen. De witte bloedcellen zijn onderdeel van het afweersysteem.
Read moreMCH staat voor mean corpuscular hemoglobin. De MCH-test bepaalt de hoeveelheid hemoglobine in de rode bloedcellen en geeft daarmee informatie over de rode bloedcellen en over de verspreiding van zuurstof in het lichaam.
Read moreMCHC staat voor mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. De MCHC bloed test bepaalt de concentratie van hemoglobine (zuurstoftransporterend eiwit) in de rode bloedcellen en geeft daarmee net als MCH informatie over de rode bloedcellen en over de verspreiding van zuurstof in het lichaam.
Read moreMCV stands for mean corpuscular volume and says something about the average size of the red blood cell. Under certain conditions, the size of the red blood cell changes.
Read moreTrombocyten worden in de volksmond bloedplaatjes genoemd. Trombocyten zijn noodzakelijk voor de bloedstolling. Indien de hoeveelheid trombocyten lager is dan 30, kan dit tot gevaarlijke bloedingen leiden die niet stoppen.
Read moreHbA1c measures the average blood sugar (glucose) level over the past two to three months. This biomarker analysis measures the glycation of hemoglobin (Hb).
Read moreA measure of the amount of sugar (glucose) in the urine, as an alternative to HbA1c. Normally, glucose should not be present in the urine. If glucose is found in the urine, it is a sign that blood glucose levels are too high.
Read moreLDL cholesterol stands for Low Density Liporotein. Like HDL, it is a lipoprotein composed of cholesterol particles and proteins. LDL is also called the “bad cholesterol” because it can precipitate in blood vessels if present in excess. This is where it causes arteriosclerosis, or atherosclerosis. The higher the LDL, the higher the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Read moreTotal cholesterol is a substance in the category “fats”. It is necessary for the construction of our body cells; the production of bile; the production of hormones and vitamin D. Total cholesterol is a measure for all forms of cholesterol and triglycerides together. If total cholesterol is higher than 5, there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Read moreThe Essential 7 package offered by Easly tests for 7 biomarkers, acting as a preventative health check. Timely identification of potential health issues is crucial to maintaining optimal health.
Easly offers a comprehensive blood test that can be easily taken at home using a finger prick self-test. Our medical team analyzes your blood sample for up to 7 biomarkers, providing you with a complete overview of your health.
This health test takes only a few minutes of your time. After reading the instructions carefully, obtain a blood sample using a finger prick. Send the package back to us, and our team will begin analyzing your blood.
Easly’s full blood count test checks for up to 7 biomarkers, providing a full understanding of your health. This test is used to determine your risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney problems, and anemia.
After we receive your sample, our laboratory team will analyze it and provide you with your results within 48 hours.
Easily order the test of your choice online. Tracking the development of your values over a longer period of time? Order multiple packages immediately.
You easily order a test kit of your choice. If you like to schedule subsequent tests ahead choose multiple packages.
Activate the test and take your sample in the morning. Send it back the same day, free of charge, with the enclosed shipping label.
Easly has a fully certified laboratory, where expert personnel process your sample. Professional and accurate.