In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
Every person is sensitive to medication to varying degrees. Over- or underdosing is lurking, with all its consequences (side effects). Easly offers a DNA test that determines the DNA Medication Passport based on a saliva sample in our laboratory.
The advantages:
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
In addition, the creatinine value is determined to determine the reliability of the urine sample.
Every person is sensitive to medication to varying degrees. Over- or underdosing is lurking, with all its consequences (side effects). Easly offers a DNA test that determines the DNA Medication Passport based on a saliva sample in our laboratory.
The advantages:
The microorganisms in our intestines have a major influence on our health and how vital we feel. With the microbiome test we determine which bacteria are present in what proportion based on a sample collected at home in our laboratory. The test can provide a solution for:
Do you want to know where your allergy complaints come from? Our Allergy Center tests for approximately 150 inhalant allergens. Based on a questionnaire and a subsequent video consultation with our doctor, it is determined which allergens should be included in the blood test.
Free delivery
What is being tested for?
Biomarker | Eisen, Ferritin, Transferrin, Transferrinsättigung |
How to take your sample:
Finger prick
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Iron deficiency is a common condition that often goes unnoticed and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, decreased appetite, and cognitive impairment. If you suspect that you may be iron deficient, you can easily test for it with an at-home iron test from Easly.
What is being tested for?
Biomarker | Eisen, Ferritin, Transferrin, Transferrinsättigung |
How to take your sample:
Finger prick
Price shown per test. Ordered by 5 p.m. on weekdays, same-day shipping.
Iron is an important mineral. Our body does not produce iron on its own, but obtains it from our diet. It is necessary to produce hemoglobin, which allows for the transport of oxygen throughout the body.
Iron deficiency usually manifests as anemia, also known as “anemia” in medical jargon. A deficiency of iron in the blood leads to a deficiency of hemoglobin, which is equivalent to anemia.
A low result on an iron test can have several causes:
The last category, “loss of iron,” is the most common cause of iron deficiency. Loss of iron usually occurs due to chronic blood loss. This can be harmless, as a result of heavy menstruation in women of reproductive age, or less harmless, for example due to bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract caused by a tumor. There are also other causes for loss of iron, such as chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, or malignancy.
Iron in “free form” occurs in the body only in very low concentrations. In the blood, iron is largely bound to a transport protein called transferrin.
Iron that is not used immediately is stored in the liver thanks to the binding protein ferritin. So deficiency of ferritin and excess of transferin are also interesting values to measure in an iron deficiency test.
Low iron levels can lead to hemoglobin deficiency, or anemia.
With an Easly iron test, you can very easily measure everyone’s iron levels (female/male).
Women in the fertile phase of life need higher iron levels than men because they lose more iron through menstruation. Pregnant women also need more iron, necessary for the production of extra blood during pregnancy. If the iron level at the beginning of pregnancy deviates greatly from the iron normal value, an iron supplement may be necessary, as the iron supply is replenished through the diet only very slowly.
The most common symptoms of low iron are:
Our self-administered test allows you to collect a small blood sample via a finger prick, preferably in the morning before your first meal. You can then send the sample to our laboratory for comprehensive analysis. Within 48 hours of receiving the sample, we will provide you with accurate results, allowing you to determine whether you are iron deficient and take appropriate steps to manage your condition.
It is important to note that iron deficiency can have serious health consequences if left untreated, including anemia, impaired immune function, and developmental delays in children. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and address this condition as early as possible. With our convenient and reliable at-home iron test, you can take control of your health and well-being.
Ferritine is een eiwit dat ijzer kan binden. Het lichaam heeft een voorraad met ijzer en dat ligt opgeslagen in de lever, gebonden aan ferritine. Bij een ijzertekort zal het aan ferritine gebonden ijzer in de lever worden aangeboord. Daarmee zal ook de ferritine concentratie dalen. Een lage ferritine waarde in combinatie met een laag ijzer wijst dus op een ijzertekort.
Read moreTransferrine is net als ferritine een eiwit dat ijzer kan binden. Zoals ferritine het ijzer bindt op het moment dat het ligt opgeslagen in de lever, bindt transferrine het ijzer op het moment dat het vervoerd wordt door het bloed. Als er sprake is van ijzergebrek, dan is de transferrine waarde meestal verhoogd. Een verlaagd transferrine kan wijzen op ijzerstapeling, op eiwitarme voeding of het minder goed functioneren van de lever. Ook bij zwangerschap en gebruik van orale anticonceptiva (de pil) kan transferrine verhoogd zijn.
Read moreTransferrine saturatie wordt berekend uit de ijzer waarde en de transferrine waarde. Het is eenmaat voor het percentage van transferrine dat verzadigd is met ijzer. Een lage transferrinesaturatie kan wijzen op een ijzertekort.
Read moreIjzer is een belangrijke bouwstof. IJzer is onder andere nodig voor de aanmaak van hemolgobine, het eiwit in de rode bloedcel dat zuurstof kan binden. Ijzer is dus niet hetzelfde als hemoglobine, maar beiden hebben wel veel met elkaar te maken. Een ijzertekort kan leiden tot bloedarmoede, anemie genaamd. Bij het bepalen van de ijzerwaarde is het belangrijk om ook de biomarkers ferritine, transferrine en transferrinesaturatie te bepalen. Dat geeft een vollediger beeld over de ijzerstatus. Een laag ijzer in combinatie met een laag ferritine wijst op een ijzertekort.
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With the self-test iron deficiency the following biomarkers are measured:
To get a good idea of the functional amount of iron in the body, it is important to measure not only the free iron. This is because the concentration of free iron fluctuates greatly throughout the day. Therefore, ferritin and transferrin concentrations are also measured and transferrin saturation (saturation) is calculated.
With an Easly iron test, you can very easily measure everyone’s iron levels (female/male).
Women in the fertile phase of life need higher iron levels than men because they lose more iron through menstruation. Pregnant women also need more iron, necessary for the production of extra blood during pregnancy. If the iron level at the beginning of pregnancy deviates greatly from the iron normal value, an iron supplement may be necessary, as the iron supply is replenished through the diet only very slowly.
Normal values vary by laboratory. Moreover, the normal values are different for men and women. For men, a range of about 15 to 35 and for women, a slightly lower range of about 10 to 25.
Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about any loss of iron or reduced iron absorption. However, you can make sure you eat enough iron-rich foods. Iron is found in both animal and plant foods, but is not present in equal concentration everywhere and is not always absorbed equally well. Iron from animal products is well absorbed by the body. You can give iron absorption a helping hand by eating vitamin C-rich foods at the same time, as this promotes iron absorption.
With a self-test from Easly, you can measure iron in blood you have taken yourself at home. With a finger prick, you take blood in the morning before your first meal. You send the sample to our lab where it is thoroughly analyzed. Approximately 48 hours after receipt at the laboratory, you can view the results via your personal dashboard.
Simply send the taken sample to the laboratory with the included return envelope. After our analysis, you can access the results in your personal dashboard. Results are usually known within 48 hours of arrival at the laboratory.
Easily order the test of your choice online. Tracking the development of your values over a longer period of time? Order multiple packages immediately.
You easily order a test kit of your choice. If you like to schedule subsequent tests ahead choose multiple packages.
Activate the test and take your sample in the morning. Send it back the same day, free of charge, with the enclosed shipping label.
Easly has a fully certified laboratory, where expert personnel process your sample. Professional and accurate.
Within 48 hours of receiving your sample, we share the test result with you confidentially in our portal and app.
Validation and personal consultation by our physician. When you repeat the test, you can follow the development of your values in a graph.